1. Transition: To go from one place or thing to another
2. However: Statement used to tell the difference between two things
3. Vastly: large in size or quick in movement
4. Frightened: Scared
5. Overjoyed: Really happy
6. Colleagues: People that go to school with you
7. Hysterically: Cant control how you feel, whether your laughing or angry
Let's practice using these words in sentences.
Write the correct word in the blank spot that best completes each sentence.
A. My car went __________________ down the hill.
B. My friend slipped on a banana peel and landed on his bottom; I was _______________ laughing.
C. I met with my _________________ for lunch.
D. I want ice cream, _________________ I did not have my dinner yet.
E. When I won first place in an agility race I was extremely _________________.
F. The _________________ I made from the room to the couch was not easy with a sprained ankle.
G. I was _________________, when I saw a spider outside my window.
Lets learn something new
Preposition Time!
1. The cat is on the floor.
2. The cat is in the basket.
3. The cat is beside the boy.
Practice finding prepositions in my blog about being stuck in an elevator, list as many as you can. When you are done choose one preposition from one of my examples to make your own sentence.
1._____________________ 4._____________________
2._____________________ 5._____________________
3._____________________ 6._____________________
Here is a link to help you learn more about prepositions...Prepositions_of_Place
Click on this link to access the website.
Your sentence here